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Research Projects

Media Action Research Group

The Media Action Research Group (MARG) is an intersectional feminist collective of grassroots activists, media makers, writers and academics studying the practices of global autonomous intersectional media and movements. We have been co-researching with global media activists since 2013. We are working in solidarity to support media networks and capacities within local and global communities. Here are links to some of our academic publications:

1. Toward an Intersectional Political Economy of Autonomous Media Resources

2. Intersectionality in Autonomous Journalism Practices

3. Media Action Research Group: toward an antiauthoritarian profeminist media 

research methodology

Orillia Native Women's Group Storytelling Circle

Under the auspices of the Lakehead University Research Chair in Transformative Media and Social Movements, I am working with the Orillia Native Women's Group to create a Storytelling Circle for Indigenous women to gather together, share a meal, and participate in creative arts projects involving telling their stories and sharing their stories. We are supported as well by the grandmother's circle. Every two weeks women get together to chat, make art, and generate stories, engaged in a process of healing through storytelling in the community. The art created last year will be on display at Lakehead University during Research and Innovation Week, March 4-6, 2019. 

Protest Media Ecologies

This completed program of research, in collaboration with Alice Mattoni and Emiliano Treré, analyzed the protest mediascape, in Spain, Italy and Greece during the 2011 wave of anti-austerity protests. Using social movement documents, interviews with

activists and media practitioners considering their digital media practices, we 
communicative media flows that supported, emerged from, or represented protest movements. Here is a link to one of our key publications:


Comparing Digital Protest Media Imaginaries: Anti-austerity Movements in Greece, Italy & Spain.

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